July 1, 2023

GBC Newsletter July 2023

From the Pastor's Desk

Allow me to write something a bit more practical this month if I might. On July 9th we will have our next quarterly Member’s Meeting. Among the regular reports and such we have two items to consider. First, the Elders are asking you to affirm Jake Hoy as the next Elder of GBC. I can think of no one more qualified than Jake to be an Elder among our church. I’ve watched Jake grow in the Lord for over ten years now! He’s faithful, he’s teachable, he’s dependable. I realize that I’m biased, after all, he is my son-in-law. In a small church it’s inevitable that sons and daughters and moms and dads are going to serve the Lord together, even rise to leadership together. Seems to me that is exactly what we want to happen. Pray for Jake, pray for our church. I believe Jake will be a great leader.

Second, the Elders and the Building Team are proposing that we agree to use $25,000 of our savings to update our sanctuary and update our play area for the children. We realize that’s a significant amount of money, but we think it will be well spent. We sent out an email with the proposal and the proposal is available in the entry way of the church building. Ask an usher for one on Sunday. If you have questions, please feel free to ask me, one of the other Elders or a Building Team member. We’d be happy to answer those questions.

Sunday Morning Kid’s Worship:

Bring your children to church; we know it is hard and early. Make God the priority. As we train the next generation let them see you worship with the body of Christ.
The world will teach them church is not a priority. The world will teach them it is okay to lay out, not to pick up their Bibles. The world will steer them so far off-course, confuse them, and tell them that just being “good” is enough. The world will not teach them about Jesus; that is our job as parents, family and the church. 
Bring your children to church. 
Matthew 18:5-6 “And anyone who welcomes a little child like this on my behalf is welcoming me. But if you cause one of these little ones who trusts in me to fall into sin, it would be better for you to have a large millstone tied around your neck and be drowned in the depths of the sea.”
Teaching kids is a huge responsibility. We must do it with passion and take it seriously. Speak truth, prepare, and remember they are God’s kids first.

Coming Events:

GBC Youth Water Night- July 2nd, 4-6 p.m. at the church. Come join the fun where you can play on slip n slide, in a wading pool, as well as a few other “fun” water related activities. Dress to get wet! (Appropriate swimwear, please). Bring a towel, a change of clothes, sunscreen, and shoes that can get wet. There will be drinks and snacks available. If you have questions, contact any of the youth leaders. Bring a friend!

Independence Day Celebration- July 4th @ Matt & Cynthia Zareel’s house (Contact for directions). Come anytime after 4:00 p.m. Drinks, hot dogs, and bratwurst provided. Bring a dessert or side dish to share. Bring your own lawn chair and bug spray, plan to stay and enjoy the fireworks!

Backpack School Supply Drive- The school supply drive is underway from now until August 18th. There is a collection box in the entryway of GBC, or you may use any of the drop-off points in Sparta:

- The Quilt Corner @ 219 N. Water St
- Lopez Family Dental @ 1123 W. Wisconsin St
- Sparta Chiropractic Clinic @ 100 W. Wisconsin St

Currently collecting:
Backpacks, folders, notebooks, pens, #2 pencils, crayons, markers, scissors, rulers & more! All school supplies are welcome. Any questions can be directed to (608) 487-3211.

Third Quarter GBC Member Meeting: July 9th- Following Morning Worship Service. Potluck lunch will be served. We will observe the Lord’s Supper and the meeting will follow. The potluck sign-up sheet is available in the church foyer.

Freedom’s Holy Light Concert: July 9th- At First Free Church 123 Mason Street, Onalaska at 2:00 p.m. The Coulee Region Gospel Choir with Orchestra is providing a free admission patriotic celebration of freedom concert as a proclamation of liberty to live in freedom’s holy light.

Youth Event: July 23rd 4-7:00 pm. Outdoor event at the Skinner’s.

Misc. Information:

- Through your generous and sacrificial giving, GBC was able to provide $5,580.00 towards the Johnson Onwuka Family, helping them meet the required $15,000.00 to renew their immigration status and to remain in Madison. The Onwuka Family serves Shalom Church in Madison, and their new immigration status allows them to be employed. Praise God for His provision.

- GBC’s Sunday Morning Breakfast time has been a huge hit! Thank you to Courtney and Tori for the hard work they continue to put in providing a lovely breakfast buffet each week. There are many other ladies helping to make this a success week in and week out, so thank you to each of you. It is encouraging to see the wonderful conversations taking place around a cup of coffee and some fresh fruit or other goodies. We are witnessing new relationships develop and a sense of “family” growing among GBC folks. It has truly been worth arriving at church earlier to enjoy the sweet fellowship.

- If your ministry group has updated information or events coming up in August, please provide updates via email to the church admin at: elkayel1147@gmail.com before July 30th to be included in the August GBC Newsletter.

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